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Cirebon Regency

Cirebon Regency
One upon a time, it is said there was a fisherman village called Muarajati. The village only resided by an old grand father named Ki Gedang Alang-alang. Not long after he was enjoying his loneliness, the grand father was visited by three guests, namely Wulangsangsang with his wife, Indangdayu, and her younger sister Rarasantang. It is said the three guest were the son and daughter in law of great king at that time, namely King Pajajaran. The three guests wishes to live permanently in this Muarajati village based on the direction of Sunan Gunung Jati, an Arab origin, who had islamized the three Pajajaran nobles.

Ki Gedang Alang-alang was very enthusiastic on his guest planning to make the village their new residence. Wulangsangsang even changed her name with Cakrabumi. They started to build the village by planting empty land to became agricultural soil added with crops planted as 2nd crop after rice, and the other plants. Besides planting work, Cakrabumi was also fond of catching fishes at the sea shore, especially to catch small shrimp (rebon).

One day, Ki Gedang Alang-alang thought a “receipt” to process the small shrimp (rebon). Rebon was ponded into smallest piece, added with salt then it’s water was pressed, then put under the sun until it dried up. It became “Terasi”, which is known up to this day. At last (year 1370) this place was known as terasi processing place, then people called it Cirebon. It was always in over production, the terasi was tried to be sold out side the village, well known to it’s surrounding area. Event at last people came to this village and lived there.

Ki Gedang Alang-alang then was appointed “Kuwu” or village head. Under his leadership the village was continuously developing and growing bigger and bigger. After the death of Ki Gedang Alang-alang, Cakrabumi was appointed Regent but he fell he was opposed by the Kingdom of Galuh that compelled him to contribute terasi shrimp, and the other agricultural products. The Regent declared war against Galuh Kingdom. A Great War occurred and Cirebon won the war. The Regent Cakrabumi established new kingdom, the Cirebon Kingdom, and appointed himself as the king. To his name was added new title namely Cakrabuana.

This history such as the tale about the founding of Cirebon city extracted from manuscript of “Purwacaraka Caruban Nagari”. In 2002 Cirebon aged 632 years and has been developing become a big crowded city. Cirebon has it’s own characteristic differs to that of other areas in West Java. It has it’s own local language not belong to Sundanese or Javanese, it’s neighbor in the east part. Perhaps it is the mixture of the both languages.This West Java’s north coast city is one of the oldest and most interesting centers of culture in the province. Lying near the border between the provinces of West and Central Java. Cirebon cultural legacy is a mixture of those of both plus others derived from the great civilizations of Moslem, China and Europe.

A former center of Moslem proselytizing in western Java. Cirebon nevertheless honors it’s ancient Hindu heritage in it’s art and philosophical outlook. China’s enriching influence could easily detected in the rock and clouds motifs of Cirebon’s art. Old and valuable Chinese ceramics decorate old mosques and venerated tombs.An old city, Cirebon is now an important point of transit in the traffic between Jakarta and West Java and the areas toward the east. It is also known “Shrimp City and Terasi”.

Artistically, Cirebon is known for the unique beauty of it’s batik motifs of preserve in the village of Tusmi, it’s masked dances and paintings on glass, which are among the finest on the island of Java. The Royal courts, or Kratons, now without power but still pillars of the area’s strong Moslem traditions. Preserve the old Hindu Javanese outlook on life and ethnic in their architecture, as do the old Mosques of Cirebon.

Surosowan Palace & Kanoman Palace
Surosowan Palace and Kanoman Palace at Cirebon, the old port and Batik Trusmi is famous for characteristically Cirebon home industry. And about 5 km North of the city, is the sacred gravesite of Sunan Gunung Jati and his wife, believed to be a prince from China. Sunan Gunung Jati is one of the “Wali Songo” or Nine Sunan, similar to “Apostles in Moslem Religion” who spread the Moslem religion as far as Banten. Many people visited the place from distance areas. The villages around Cirebon are also well known for their handicrafts, characteristically Cirebon design batik and rattan factories.

Malam Panjang Jimat
Thousands of visitors who joined the ceremony thrown flowers to all part of the palace up to it corners. Pray and Zikir (repeatedly chant part of the confession of faith, normally in unison, as part of worship) were launched to the sky and at the same time all the palace’s relics were brought out one by one and were carried along in procession to the Mosque within the palace’s complex to be washed with colorful flowered water. Began with the kingdom’s inheritance creese, earthenpitcers, ceramics up to big plates which is said the reminder of Sunan Gunung Jati, were washed (purified) respectfully.

Such was top atmosphere of the traditional Muludan Ceremony at Cirebon’s palace called “Malam Panjang Jimat” or the night of purification of the Kingdom’s relics which was held at 24.00 o’clock midnight involved all the Cirebon Sultane’s family and friends.The uniqueness of the ceremony was that the visitors who joined the zikir did not count rosary, but paddy grains while peeling them until rice was left. The Muludan Ceremony which is really the commemoration of Prophet Muhammad’s birthday somehow it has become the traditional connected to washing the kingdom relics every years.

Malam Panjang Jimat, is top of the Muludan ceremony’s series, was held at all existing palaces in Cirebon namely Kasepuhan Palace, Kanoman Palace, and Kaprabonan Palace. According to Cireboness, each time before 24.00 o’clock, the moment to wash the kingdom relics, Cirebon city is always watered by heavy rain. Just as the kingdom’s inheritance creese is pulled out from it’s sheath to be washed the rain stop.When in the palace the sacral and solemn ceremonies were taking place, but around the palace was not like that. Here a “Night Uproarious Fair” was going on. The roaming motor bile in mad-rum mixtured with dangdut song from marry go round’s loud speaker. This night fair was indeed presenting a cheap gleeful entertainment for the visitors. There were juggling show, dangdut orchestra appeared with erotic hip movement, and horror movies of Indonesia or India.

The merchants and sponsor did not let this opportunity passed off. They made use this occasion by opening stall, etc. The visitors who came to this Muludan ceremony were not only from Cirebon inhabitants and it’s surrounding but thousands of them came from all cities in Java, even outside Java. Usually, beside following the Muludan ceremony, they also made a devotional visit to grave of Sunan Gunung Jati, a prominent Islamic disseminator in Java. In the night of Malam Panjang Jimat ceremony, Cirebon city was indeed feasting. Thousand of cars from outside the city ”centered” to the city and it caused traffic jam, reminded us to New Year’s Eve in Jakarta or Bandung. Therefore the visitors should have been prepared mentally to face the traffic jam.

Sunyaragi Cave
Water castle of Sunyaragi is situated 4 kilometers in the direction of West Cirebon. Sunyaragi cave built with coral reefs made this place a unique one. Visitors may trace the artificial cave and see the garden within it. Built by Prince Arya Cirebon in 1903. Sunyaragi cave is one of the Cirebon’s tourism destinations worth visiting.In it’s yard there is an open stage for Cirebon’s traditional art performance. One of the nominated show materials is a dance drama Sendra Swatacana. Cirebon is also rich of specific regional art. One of the most popular art is “Masked Dance”, often performs in national or international events. There are also Tarling, a specific performance of guitar and flute with song, and Genjring, a combination of acrobatic movement and debus, also many other.
