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North Sulawesi

North Sulawesi Province

The Capital City of North Sulawesi Province is “Manado”

The first European to set foot on North Sulawesi’s soil were probably the Portuguese, followed by the Spanish. The Dutch acquiered their first foothold in the area. Fort Amsterdam, which no longer exist only in 1657, almost half century after their conguest of Jayakarta and the establishment of Batavia on the island of Java.

Of the old, animist religions, only stone realies remain mostly in the shape of sarcophagi which could still be found in many places on the peninsula. On the basis of old folk tales, it’s believed that the ancient gods of the Minahasa were personifications of either natural phenomena, ancestral spirits of human characteristic. Worship at that time appeared to be center around rituals designed tto ensure a good harvest.

The provinces, which occupies almost the entire boomerang shaped northeastern arm to the island of Sulawesi, is devided into four districs, Minahasa, Bolaang Mongondow, Gorontalo and the Sangihe, Talaud island group bordering the Philippines. This vision appears to conform with linguistic and other differences with have for centuries existed.

Like most other parts of Sulawesi, the north is highly mountainous. Geologically, the northern tip of the peninsula the Minahasa, is an extention of the volcanic chain which streches from this area over the Sangihe, Talaud island and the Philippines toward Taiwan and the Javanese island.

The soil is highly fertile and the vegetation here is luxuriant. Extensive forests with ironwood and ebony trees and many wild orchid varieties are still found here. The region’s fauna includes such rare animals as the Anoa, the Babirusa wild board, the Black  Crested Baboon, the Maleo Bush Turkey, and Kuskus Marsupials.

Tilling the land is often done in the old tradtion of mapalus, mutual help. Villages are neat and clean. The houses are built on poles with twin flight of steps leading up to the front porch and potted plants on the window sills. Bright colored bouganville area everywhere.

The people of the Minahasa are known for their friendly,  lighthearted and extroverted nature. Old war dances and conchshell music shows are still often performed on special occations and for visitors, but the Minaha’s contemporary dances and music is Western inspired and zesry.

North Sulawesi is on the island of Sulawesi, and borders the province of Gorontalo to the west (originally a part of North Sulawesi until 2001 when it became its own province). The islands of Sangihe and Talaud form the northern part of the province, which border the Philippines.The capital and largest city in North Sulawesi is Manado. The region is predominantly Christian with Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist minorities, which is an exception in this predominantly Muslim country. The largest ethnic group is Minahasan.

North Sulawesi is a new tourist destination in Indonesia. A land of white and black sandy beaches, mountains, highland lakes, volcanoes and towered by mount Klabat. The existence of an ancient civilization in North Sulawesi is shown by the presence of the waruga stone sarcophagi, the oldest reportedly dating back as far as 900AD.

The provincial capital and main gateway, Mando, is a busy city bulit at the foot of hills overlooking the bay. Manado’s sea port is Bitung, 48 kilometers to the northeast at the tip of the peninsula. The north Sulawesi Provincial Museum has displays of prehistoric articraft and objects, and itmes left by the Portuguese.

The Ban Hian Kong Temple in the Chinese district of the city is said to be the oldest Chinese temple in eastern Indonesia. Every year, two weeks after the Chinese New Year, it is the site for holding of processions, Kung Fu displays and other rituals as well as contests and shows.As the largest city in the region, Manado is a key tourist transit point for visitors. Sam Ratulangi Airport is one of the main entry ports to Indonesia. Try some delicious fresh seafood at water front local restaurants at Malalayang beach or some local food at the city. Ban Hin Kiong Temple is another tourism spot in the city, especially during the Chinese new year celebration. It is easy to find places to shop around Manado, since many of the shopping malls are located on Piere Tendean Boulevard.

Traditional Costumes
The traditional costume Laku Tepu from Sangir Talaudnese commonly is put on at the spiritual ceremony.Laku Tepu worn by a men its lenght reach to ankle. By a men Laku Tepu were put on plus Salikuku (kind of belt made of cloth) and head tie that the high tip placed in front and the knot at back.The women's costume are long Laku Tepu and Sarong with the accessories Bawandang Liku (shawl), earings, and Topo-Topo (a chignon).

The objects of interests are:
Tomohon, Bitung, Kema Beach or Batu Nona, Tasik Ria Beach, Tara – Tara & Karumega, The Bunaken Island, Diving, Bunaken Marine Park, Manado Tua & Siladen Marine Park, Tangkoko Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, The Dumoga Bone National Park, Watu Pinawetengan, Lake Tondano, Karumenga, Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park, Waruqa, Museum Negeri La Galigo, Museum Balla Lompoa (Beteng Sungguminasa), Museum Lapawawoi, Museum Batara Guru, Museum Negeri Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Museum Negeri Propinsi Sulawesi Utara, Kienteng Ban Hian Kong, Gunung Lokon Volcano, Benteng Otanaha, Gunung Colo Volcano, Gunung Klabat Volcano, Gunung Sesean, Monument of Mandala (Monumen Mandala).

From Jakarta or other major cities on Java, North Sulawesi’s capital of Manado could be reached by air and sea. Overland bus services link the city with other towns and ethies in the other provinces on the island. Manado is a buistling city with a range of city transportation means, from buses to predrobs, buses run services into the country side. Boats could be hired for trips to the fabulous coral gardens.

  • Airmadidi - the setting of acclaimed local mineral springs where, it is said, angels from heaven come to bathe when the moon is full. The pre-Christian tombs (warugas) are an interesting attraction in Airmadidi.
  • Bitung - an important regional port town, with regular buses running to Manado throughout the day. Lots of traditional Indonesian eateries (rumah makans) are clustered in the centre of Bitung.
  • Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park - located approximately 50 km / 31 miles to the west of Kotamobagu and encompassing just under 494,200 acres / 200,000 hectares. The Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park was previously named the Dumoga Bone and is nothing short of a haven for Indonesian wildlife.
  • Danau Tondano - a large lake just under 30 km / 19 miles from Manado. Danau Tondano is a truly exceptional beauty spot and features lots of reliable hiking trails. A number of very decent restaurants line the road around the lake, being popular for Sunday lunches.
  • Gorontalo - a busy port town with a distinct countryside atmosphere. Diving is becoming a serious attraction in Gorontalo, although is rather seasonal, being best between November and April. It really is worth coming to Gorontalo to see the wonderfully preserved colonial Dutch houses, which are amongst some of the finest in the whole of Sulawesi.
  • Kotamobagu - a market town often abbreviated to simply 'Kota'. Travellers will find Kotamobagu a handy stopover between Manado and Gorontalo, as well as being a great base for accessing the nearby Bogani Nani Wartabone National Park.
  • Manado - a large city with a population now topping half a million residents. The city of Manado may have lost some of its colonial character and charm, but still delivers on tourist attractions, being home to the Museum Negeri Propinsi Sulawesi Utara and the historic Kienteng Ban Hian Kongtemple.
  • Pulau Bunaken - attracting keen scuba divers from the world over, who come here to marvel at the sheer colour and biodiversity of marine life around the shoreline. The island of Pulau Bunaken is part of the Taman Laut Wakatobi (Wakatobi Marine National Park). Glass-bottom boat cruises around Bunaken are always a popular attraction with tourists.
  • Sangir and Talaud Islands - there are a total of 77 different islands within the Sangir and Talaud archipelagoes. The main islands of interest include the Karakelong, Kaburuang, Salibabu, Sangir Besar and Siau.
  • Tangkoko Batuangas Dua Saudara Nature Reserve - a very accessible nature attraction and one of Indonesia's most outstanding. Do make time to visit the attractions of the Tangkoko Batuangas Dua Saudara Nature Reserve, which include black macaques (small monkeys) and red-knobbed hornbills. Permits are necessary for entry into the park and are available at the National Parks (KDSA) office in Batuputih.
  • Tomohon - situated beneath the towering Gunung Lokon volcano, Tomohon serves as a quiet weekend break for those living in Manado. The local market is a good way to familiarise yourself with Tomohon and its rich produce.

For complete information you could have on the “Text Book Guiding To Indonesia” By F. I. Fatrick.
