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Rau Archipelago

Riau Archipelago
The Capital City of Riau Archipelago Province is “Tanjung Pinang”

Riau Archipelago with Tanjung Pinang as the capital is blessed with a lot potential tourism objects, beautiful beaches and cultural attractions.Its waters are the backyard of native seafaring nomads who fish and trade for a living. Their traditional wooden sailing craft,s called 'pinisi' still manage to pass the forested channels of these islands, along with other indigenous craft,s fishing vessels and cargo ships. Tanjung Pinang lies on the largest island of Bintan archipelago. Once known as Riau, it was the heart of an ancient Malay kingdom. Today, Bintan is the latest hot spot of development in Indonesia's surging economy.

A master plan is underway to turn it into a major tourist destination. Barely an hour away from Singapore by ferry and about Sing-$ 21, tourist accommodation begins to take advantage  from its strategic location. It consists of Riau Archipelago, Natuna Islands and Anambas Archipelago. Originally part of Riau Province, Riau Archipelago was split off as a separate Province in July 2004 with Tanjung Pinang as its capital. Anambas Archipelago, located between mainland Malaysia and Borneo were attached to the new province. By population, the most important islands in this area are are Bintan, Batam and Karimun. Size wise, however, the sparsely populated Natuna Islands are larger.

Riau Archipelago with its thousands of island has plenty of scenic beaches and diving spots, among them Trikora on Bintan and Pasir Panjang on Rupat Island. The first is about 50 kilometers south of Tanjung Pinang on the eastern side of the island. Pasir Panjang, on the northern side of Rupat facing to Malacca Strait has natural beaches and they are also found on Terkulai and Soreh islands, about an hour's distance by boat from Tanjung Pinang. One of the most popular beaches is Nongsa on Batam Island. From here one can see the Singapore skyline.


From Sriwijaya era until the 16th century, Riau was a part of greater Malay kingdoms or sultanates, in the heart of what is often called the 'Malay World', which stretches from eastern Sumatera to Borneo. The Malay-related Orang Laut tribes inhabited the islands and formed the backbone of most Malay kingdoms from Sriwijaya to the Sultanate of Johor for the control of trade routes going through the straits. After the fall of Melaka in 1511, Riau islands became the center of political power of the mighty Sultanate of Johor or Johor - Riau, based on Bintan Island, and were considered the center of Malay culture.

But history changed the fate of Riau as a political, cultural or economic center when European powers struggled to control the regional trade routes and took advantage of political weaknesses within the sultanate. Singapore Island, that had been for centuries part of the same greater Malay kingdoms and sultanates, and under direct control of Sultan of Johor, came under British control. The creation of a European-controlled territory in Johor-Riau heart natural boundaries broke the sultanate into two parts, destroying the cultural and political unity that had existed for centuries. The Anglo-Dutch treaty of 1824 consolidated this separation, with the British controlling all territories north of the Singapore Strait and Dutch controlling territories from Riau to Java.

After the European powers withdrew from the region, the new independent governments had to reorganize and find balance after inheriting 400 years of colonial boundaries. Before finding their current status, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Borneo territories struggled and even came into military conflict against each other, and Riau islands once again found themselves in the middle of regional struggle. But the once strong cultural unity of the region with Riau never returned, and the line drawn by the British in 1819 remained, this time marking the divide between three new countries as of 1965: Singapore, the Malaysian federation in the north and Indonesia in the south. These new countries, however, recreated unity in Riau world for the first time after 150 years with the creation of the Sijori Growth Triangle.

But while bringing back some economical wealth to Riau, the Sijori Growth Triangle somewhat broke the cultural unity within the islands. With Batam island receiving most of the industrial investments and dramatically developing into a regional industrial center, it attracted hundreds of thousands of non-Malay Indonesian migrants, changing forever the demographic balance in the archipelago.

Today the name of Riau merely refers to this administrative region of Indonesia, a free trade zone heavily supported by Indonesian, Singaporean and international investments.


Riau Island can easily be reached by air or  sea from Jakarta and Pekanbaru directly. Batam and Bintan have international ship lines and flight. It is only 45 minutes away from Singapore by ferry.

Traditional Costumes
The womens Melayu Riaunese wear baju kurung (shirt), songket sarong, and gold jewerly also the ring on hand. The jewerly such as bracelets, pending (pins), hair buns are usually used to showing status in the society. The men's costume are teluk belanga (headdress), tanjak (head covers), sampin (cloth), keris (creese), and selop (sandals) as a footwear.

People & Culture

Malay people who inhabit Riau Islands are renowned for their hospitality and warm welcome. However due to the economical and opportunity increases in certain islands, many people try to seek their fortune here thus creating Riau Islands as melting pot for various ethnic groups and races.

Batam’s Island
Batam Island is located on one of the group of islands in the eastern part of Riau Province, and the Southeast of Republic of Singapore. Batam is very strategic island in Indonesia, located 15-20 minutes to and from Singapore by air-conditioned ferry ride. From Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau Province, it’s only 45 minutes by plane. Batam island has been designated by the Indonesian Government as a center of industry, Tour Adventure and trade.

Batam is one of the 3,000 islands, which make up the Riau Archipelago and is closest to Singapore, which is only 20 km away or twenty minutes by air-conditioned ferry. It has a rapid-growing population of around 100.000. As the island develops into a major industrial and tourist area, it attracts an ever-increasing population from other Indonesian islands who see Batam as a haven of opportunity. Once almost uninhabited, save for a few scattered fishing communities, Batam's history took a sharp turn beginning 1969, when it became support base for the State-owned 'Pertamina oil company' and its offshore oil exploration. In 1971 a presidential decree designated it as an industrial area and in 1975 the Batam Authority was formed. In 1978 Batam was established as a bonded area.

Batam area constitutes a cluster of as many as 3,000 islands with the land surface of 1.647 square kilometers makes it one of the largest Islands in the Riau Archipelago. Together with nearby Bintan and Karimun Islands and a part of eastern Sumatera, they form the Riau Province. Batam, Rempang, Galang and a few smaller surrounding islands form the Barelang, Municipality. Two third of the total area consists of the sea. Batam Island where Batam City lies is the biggest in the above-mentioned group of islands, whereas the others are only small and not yet inhabited.

Although the city of Batam is developing very rapidly, with the influx of various ethnic groups from all over Indonesia, nevertheless the Malayan Culture, which forms the roots of the local culture, keeps on flourishing and being taken care of as the identity of the Batam art and cultures. The development of a society consisting of various different origins also engendered multi-colored cultures in Batam. The one of traditional art forms is the “Yogi Dance” which originated from the coastal ethnic group. Other art forms are the Malayan Dances and songs, the traditional theatre, music and the like, which could be seen at the various ceremonies and other activities in the society.

Despite it’s strategic location at the crossroad of international shipping routes and it’s close proximity to Singapore’s excellent trading, banking, transport and businesses service facilities, Batam Island was not developed until 1970.Starting by the mind 1970’s, a rapid development in the island was began, despite it’s strategic location as one of the world’s busiest and most important international trade routes. A study has recommended a development strategy based on the oil and gas exploration industries and related downstream energy product processing activities.

During the 70’s, the growth of offshore oil exploration in Indonesia resulted in the island becoming a base for the state-owned oil company. A master plan for Batam’s development began in 1972 with advice from American and Javanese consultants. The plan was revised in subsequent years with inputs from other international consultants.The Batam Industrial Development Authority (BIDA) has played a key role in ensuring proper and controlled growth of infrastructure and economic development on Batam. BIDA will be on hand to assist potential and new investors with information on investment possibilities and to guide them through all necessary procedures.

The island is generally flat with rolling hills surrounding a ridge that rises approximately (415 meters) above the sea level in the southeast central area. It has principal physical characteristic dense tropical vegetation in the hilly districts, as well as in the higher elevations of the island’s plan. The northern part of the island is also somewhat hilly, and the rest of the coastal regions are mainly flat.
The entire island was declared in 1978 as a bonded zone to encourage the development of export oriented industries and support easier importation of materials required by manufacturing industries located on the island. Detailed studies of the island show that available water supplies and planned land use patterns could support a target population of 700.000. Now the current population is approximately more than 85.000.

Batam Center
Batam Center is the huge commercial and government center of Batam. Government Departments “Kantor Otorita Batam” (BIDA and Immigration), postal facilities, and many commercial banks are located on this (2,567 Hectares Square). Supporting the Tour Adventure industry, there are two large department stores and supermarkets, a handicraft center, restaurants and a bowling alley. BIDA’s office provides one stop service for commercial activities in Batam. This area prides itself in the many picturesque houses being built in residential sites. Further development planned for this area includes shopping centers and malls, commercial and office complexes. A ferry terminal will provide sea transportation to Singapore and surrounding islands.

The development in the Batam Center is designed for the administrative and commercial center for Batam Island. It will have a business district and a center for governmental activities and is expected to support a total Population of 147.000 out of the 700.000-projected population for the entire island.

Together with it’s associated residential areas in the neighboring sub regions. The Batam Center will occupy approximately 1.300 developed hectares of land. This area is expected to account for a substation share of the island’s growth in the initial stages of the development.In recognition of this, 350 hectares in the Nongsa region has been set-aside as recreation area. For golf courses, hotels and motels, and marina sports facilities are to be there as well as forest reserve managed by the Indonesian Government and the Batam Industrial Development Authority.

A master development plant which was devised for the island at the end of 1979 divides the island into four major development areas that consisted of :

1.         Batu Ampar (comprising Batu Ampar and Muka Kuning).
2.         The Batam Center Special Region.
2.         Sekupang (comprising Sekupang, Tanjung Uncang, and Segulung).
3.         The East Coast Region (comprising Nongsa, The Kabil, Region and Duriankang).

Batu Ampar & Lubuk Baja 
Batam’s early development began in the 70’s with the growth of Batu Ampar. This northern development area of Batu Ampar is 10,504 Hectares houses Mc Dermott’s largest fabrication yard in Southeast Asia. Batu Ampar is currently the main port for Batam’s imports and exports. Supporting developments include general industries, office and shopping centers also residential housing. A ferry terminal provides daily connections to nearby Singapore and late night travelers could catch the last ferry here departing for Singapore at (20:20 Hours) WIB (8:20 pm) and from Singapore at (21:20 Hours).
The Batu Ampar area is called as a pioneer area and is principally earmarked as medium scale industries situated for the most part close to the present Harbor facilities. While the Muka Kuning section of this region is reserved for governmental departments.The development of Batu Ampar is designed with many facilities, such as harbor, and port facilities capable of handing ships of up to 35.000 DWT. Equipped with sophisticated loading and unloading systems for special structures and raw materials, the harbor is able to handle approximately 500.000 ton of cargo a year.

Still in the Batu Ampar, it’s industrial zone is planned to accommodate between 30 to do industries mostly of medium size. While in the region of Sekupang, a significant development has been undergone. Among others is a modern telecommunications network supporting the growth industries in the region. The area is hot only designed for office area, community center, and residential area, but also for recreation and sport centers.Provision has been made for and 18 golf courses in an area of about 120 hectares which has been designated for recreation and leisure. There will be also a horseback riding, and a modern sport center expected to occupy about 50 hectares.

The main town center for Batam is Nagoya. Why and when this place came to be called “Nagoya” is still a question. Yet it used to be known as the Pantai Baja (Steel Coast), situated between Nongsa and Sekupang. Nagoya as it was previously known, has been renamed Lubuk Baja. Once a village of wooden huts and tracks, Lubuk Baja is now a bustling commercial center complete with high-rise offices and shopping centers. There is quite big shopping center here. Most commercial houses and banks are located here. It transforms into a fairyland of light at night as many entertainment facilities spring to life. Restaurants, cinemas, health clubs, shopping centers, health spas are but a few of the service industries located here.

Muka Kuning Batamindo Industrial Park
Muka Kuning located certainly on Batam, Muka Kuning houses the Batamindo Industrial Park. The area’s conducive environment is home to many electrical and mechanical companies. Supporting the companies and industrial department is a huge residential complex providing housing to Batamindo Industrial Park’s 50,000 plus employees. Muka Kuning prides itself on comprehensive development of ready built factories, power generation, waterfront access, the nearby Muka Kuning Dam, telecommunication, shops, markets, banks, postal services, and community centers, which provide sports and other recreational facilities. Many residents residing in unauthorized housing areas in Batam have been resettled here.

The East Coast Region
The East Coast Region, which has been called as the heart and core of the development project for the Batam Island. Heavy industries, large harbor, Airport, most modern and newly completed network of roads are located in the region.

Turi Beach Resort
The resort on 50 Hectares of land, offers Balinese style air conditioned chalets and a main building housing the reception, conference rooms, restaurants, indoors recreation, a bar and a fund pub “Jungle Jim’s”. to complete a picture of serenity, a pool with mature palms and flowering bushes provides a place to escape from city life. Try a dip in the pool, a snooze in a hammock, a stroll along the beach, watch the sunset and dance also sing at Jungle Jim’s. If we want some exciting alternatives, try jet skiing, water skiing, or horse riding.

The Nongsa Beach Resort
One of the most popular beaches is Nongsa on Batam Island. The Nongsa Beach Resort is sub region with its white beaches and pristine clean water is naturally suited for recreational activities. At the limit between sea and skyline, the skyscrapers of Singapore City are vaguely visible, especially at night. The glittering lights of Singapore City add to the beauty of the view at Nongsa Coast. From here we could see the Singapore skyline rising in the distance.

A hotel of international standard has recently been completed on Nongsa Beach Resort. Several modern and new hotels have been constructed, including the recently completed Batam View Hotel, a 200 rooms facility with swimming pool and tennis court located on a peninsula facing the Singapore Strait’s. The hotels afford magnificent views of Singapore, and the coast of Malaysia. The golf course, a complex of cottages and a motel are under construction near the hotel site.

The Paradise Bay Golf  Resort
One of the most popular attractions, set in a lush landscape with a sweeping sea view, the golf course is designed to challenge the experienced golfer and offer pleasure game for the novice. The ground covers a massive 140 Hectares and the course itself is 84 Hectares, which is substantially more generous than most resort courses. The courses at 72 par, meets the 18 hole international championship standard. The clubhouse offers a spectacular view of the course in every direction. It also has prestigious amenities you would expect from a world-class golfing center. Elegant restaurants and bars, a swimming pool, tennis and squash courts are just the beginning of that the resort offers.

Getting to Waterfront City
The Waterfront City is only a HOP, SKIP and JUMP from Singapore. We just HOP on a boat which only takes 20 minutes to reach the city, SKIP through city’s very own ferry terminal and JUMP on a shuttle bus that would take us to our favorite spot in the resort.From Singapore, bring along your international Passport and come on down to 02-30, Singapore World Trade Center to book your ferry. The ferry departs hourly and the ride takes us to Batam Island. The ferry services sails directly to the Batam Waterfront City are easy. HOP on our internal or external shuttle bus or also the taxis.

For some other Tour Adventures, an optional day and night Tour Adventure could be booked at the Batam Waterfront City travel counter. The island hopping to the off shore islands and yachting are also available. To satisfy our shopping desires, regular shuttle bus services or taxis to Nagoya and other are available for a small fee. And to Hang Tuah Airport, bus transfer is also available.The Indonesian Government intends to preserve the natural environment in the district to enhance the area’s status as tourist attractions. Batam is now as the third largest landing site in Indonesia for tourists, sup-passing Medan in Sumatera. Jakarta is still the most popular landing destination for foreign visitors with more than 10.000 arrivals monthly, than Bali with 35.000 foreign visitors every month. Indicating the rapid expansion of the Tour Adventure sector on the island. A roadway system will connects tourist facilities with harbor, Airport, and ferry terminals and with all other centers on the island.

Industries, tourists, traders, and those who have direct or indirect business with the growth of a strategic industrial center are welcomed in the Batam Island. This Duty Free Zone island has proved that the growth of industrial estates with sophisticated technology and modern facilities, as well as Tour Adventure industry offering unique attractions have developing well. 

The Batam View Beach  Resort
Boasting breathtaking views of the sea and lush tropical surroundings, it is the perfect setting for us to relax and unwind. We have our own private beach at The Batam View Beach Resort where we could swim, build sand castles, have a game of beach volleyball or just lie in the sun. Exciting sea sports like jet skiing, windsurfing, snorkeling, and canoeing are available for us.

No visit would be complete without the experience of fine dining at one of the restaurants. From ocean fresh seafood to Thai Chinese, Indonesian and Western cuisine, they have prepared a delicious selection of manus for us to taste.The fun does not stop when the sun goes down.  Whatever we needs, whatever we desires, we could rest assured that here at the Batam View Beach Resort, they will always go that extra mile to make sure our holiday need is fully satisfied.

The Bintan Island
The other interesting place in Indonesia is Bintan Island. Bintan, is few know that the place keeps glittering past. When it’s metropolis neighbors, Singapore, was still a muddy fishing village, Bintan was an established port called on by traders from overseas. History also records that Bintan was once the seat of powerful Riau-Johor Sultanate. Hang Tuah, a sturdy Malay admiral as well as celebrated hero, Raja Haji Fisabilillah, well known as the poet of “Gurindam 12” were born on this island. Making a visit to Bintan, we would be greeted by enchanting objects and attractions, ranging from natural objects with white sandy beaches, cruises to the nearby isles, traditional fishing campongs (Villages), integrated resorts of international standard to various cultural and historical heritages.

The Bintan Resort
To Bintan Resort is easily accessible by high-speed catamaran from Singapore’s World Trade Center. It takes approximately one hour, from Singapore, to arrive at the ferry terminal at Bandar Bentan Telani, which is on Bintan’s northern coast. Bintan Resorts may be less than an hour's of catamaran ride away from Singapore, but it's worlds apart in terms of what we have to offer. The resort-destination spreads across the northern shores of Bintan and faces the South China Sea, and comprises a good range of beach resorts and hotels to suit the budgets and needs of all holiday-makers. Your holiday at Bintan Resorts will not be complete without experiencing some local nature and heritage tours or exciting adventure attractions. Occupying areas as large as ± 23.000 Hectares on the northern shores of Bintan Island. Bintan Beach Resort is believed Asia’s newest and largest integrated resort. Here, the Tour Adventure s would be greeted by 105 kilometers of pristine white sandy beaches, secluded coves, crystal clear waters, diverse flora and fauna also and an interesting range of accommodation.

Bintan Resorts' tours take you deep into the tropical rainforest or back in time to Bintan's glorious royal past or right into the villages to meet the locals and experience their simple way of life. Full day South Bintan Heritage Tour gives a comprehensive over view of the heritage and life style of the island. Traveling by bus, boat and even by trishaw the tour takes you to the trading port of Tanjung Pinang, the Chinese Settlement of Senggarrang and the magical and historic island of Penyengat. For those of you more pressed for time but still interested in seeing the local lifestyle, our Tanjung Uban Tour takes you to the nearest small town to the resort and the Sri Bintan Kampong Eco Tour takes you to one of the traditional villages where you can experience the Bintan village life!

At Bintan Resorts, nature lovers are in for a real treat. Our ever popular Mangrove Discovery Tour has been awarded a Pacific Asia Travel Association Gold Award for Eco Tourism related products in 2003.The day tour goes by boat up the Sebung river giving a firsthand view of the flora and fauna of the mangrove while your expert guide educates you on the value and uses of the mangrove. The night version is a serene experience of the mangrove highlighted by fireflies! For those who prefer a more hands on experience in the mangrove, try out our Traditional Fishing Tour where guests can ride authentic sampans with fishermen and fish using their traditional traps (boo boos) and nets. For the more energetic and adventuresome can try our Gunung Bintan Adventure Trek which takes you to the top of the 340m mountain that has been the navigational point of sailors for centuries.

How about getting up close and personal with some gentle giants of Sumatera? Try visiting the Bintan Elephant Park and enjoy the entertaining performance or go for a short trek on elephant back. And for those looking for a high energy and high speed excitement try go karting at our go kart track or ATVing through one of our jungle trails. So whether your interest is natural or cultural heritage or high speed and high energy thrills, we have the experience to complement your beach, golf and spa stay in Bintan Resorts.

Tanjung Pinang
Tanjung Pinang, located in southern coast of Bintan, as a busy little port town is the administrative as well as the trading capital of “Kepulauan Riau Regency” on Bintan Island. Visited by traders from Jakarta, Medan, Palembang and other big cities in Indonesia. The town is an eclectic of old and new. Tanjung Pinang is only a two hours boat ride away from Singapore. Surrounding the town foreshores are still villages, a traditional Riau housing style that could be found scattered throughout the islands.

In downtown area roads are lined with concrete shop houses selling variety of goods and commodities from foodstuff, electronic goods, antique ceramics to tourist adventures, handicrafts and souvenirs, while street hawkers line the pavements. And there is a busy car park where seafood is sold in the evening. Beyond the town proper, pristine white sandy beaches are natural scenery with traditional fishing villages as the backdrop, presenting past time nuance so much contrary amides it’s metropolis neighbors, Batam and Singapore. The town also has a museum, Kandil or Museum Riau, located on Jalan Katamso. It would be more memorable if we visit Tanjung Pinang around the 3rd week of November (18-20), when an international sport event “TheBintan Dragon Boat Race”, take places.

A large section of the old part of the town is built in traditional local fashion, on stilts, over the water. Bintan, about twice the size of Singapore, is a good point of departure from trips to other islands.

Rempang & Galang
The Rempang and Galang is just South of Batam Island, is the special development region of Rempang and Galang, part of the Balerang Municipality. The Islands are being connected together via a network of six bridges and roads with the total length of 52 Kilometers. Eventually Batam, Rempang, Galang and the surrounding smaller islands would be accessible by roads and bridges. Rempang and Galang are being installed with suitable infrastructure to allow for the development of light industry, agriculture and residential housing, with special emphasis towards tourist adventures. Plans for the development of resort hotels, marinas, restaurants, golf courses and other supporting facilities have been drawn up.

Senggarang is the place well known for it’s “Chinese Shrines” and considered by the Chinese was initially an old stilt settlement inhabited only by Bugis People. Today it’s known more as “China Town” where many tourist adventures from Singapore, mostly of the Chinese Origin, come for pilgrimage to the sacred deemed shrines asking for blessing and good fortune. A rustic fishing village, Senggarang offers the tourist adventures a race glimpse of lei E-Maily village life. This fishing village is along the Hulu Riau River, just north of Tanjung Pinang. The long jetty at Kampong Cina (Chinese Village / China Town) extends for several kilometers and connects hundreds of houses built on stilts above the water. The villagers are predominantly Teocheq Chinese, whose the ancestors had chosen to settle here when Riau was a prosperous commercial center back in the 18th century.

The Senggarang boats 5 temples, some of which are well known to Buddhists in this region and attract thousands of devotees during the weekends. The one of the oldest temples is the Bayan Temple, so called because a huge ancient Bayan tree wraps in self around it.

Trikora Beach
Expanse of azure sea with glittering white sand winding along foreshores as well as bays lined with waving coconut trees are unforgettable impression of this marine tourist adventure objects which is around 45 Kilometers away from Tanjung Pinang.

Penyengat Island
Penyengat Island. This island 1,5 kilometers away from Tanjung Pinang could be reached in about 15 minutes by sampan boat to the historic Penyengat Island. The only form of transportations is bicycle, and there are few of those. Most of the people are get around by walking, greeting friends and neighbors along the way. Hidden about the small island are relics of earlier times. The role of the powerful Bugis-descended viceroys of Riau during the 18th century.

Penyengat still bears the traces of it are illustrious past. Ruined and abandoned for almost 70 years and only recently restored, the old ruler’s palace and royal tombs, among them the grave of the respected Sultan Hajji. The palace ruins are to be found by those who take the time to explore. On top of as small hill, the remains of an Old Dutch fort, which looks out across the Straits, could be found.The most interesting of all is the acoustically perfect mosque built in 1818. With it’s four twin spires looming above the coconut trees, it looks rather like fairy tale castle. Reputedly, the yellow mosque is held together with egg yolks given by loyal subjects to their Sultan on the day of his wedding. With so many eggs at his disposal, he decided to put them to good use and used the yolk to cement the mosque. The island also houses a cultural center for festivals and special ceremonies.

The Harbors
The seaport that are gotten in the Riau Province is the Bagan Siapi-api Port, is located in the estuary of the Rokan River, Pantai Timur Riau. The Bengkalis port, is located in the south coast of the Island of Bengkalis Riau. The Tembilahan port, is at a distance of 10 Kilometers from the estuary of the Indragiri River, Riau Province. The Dumai port, is located in the Rupat Strait, Pantai Timur Riau. The Pekanbaru port, is located in Sungai Siak, 90 Mile from the estuary of the Riau Province. The Selat Panjang port, is located in the Kungkung Strait, Pantai Tebing Tinggi, Provinsi Riau. The Tanjung Pinang port, is located in the West Coast the Bintan Island power, Provinsi Riau.

The Airports are
The Airport that are met in the Riau Province among them Airport Dabo, that was located in Singkep. Airport Japura, was located in the Crack. Airport Kijang was located in Tanjung Pinang. Airport Simpang Tiga, was located in Pekanbaru and Airport Hang Nadim is located in Batam Island.
