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West Java

West Java Province
The Capital City of West Java Province is “Bandung

West Java is also a land of modern cities with old civilization. The province of West Java is a mountainous area that ranges through center from the West to the East with volcano peaks. Covers a territory of 46.500 kilometers or 35% of the width of Java and Madura Islands, or 2,41% of the whole territory of Indonesia. The oldest record of the presence of an organized community in West Java is found on an inscribed stone dating from the year 415 BC.  It mentions the existence of a Kingdom named Taruma Negarain 15th century, which was ruled by King Purnawarman.

Oddly, no further accounts were found of the area’s history until, many centuries later. The Hindu kingdom of Pajajaran emerged, only to be eclipsed in the 15th century A.D by the advent of Moslem. First the sultanate of Cirebon was established, then Banten. Moslem was well established in West Java when the Dutch seceded in consolidating their influence in the early 18th century.Not less than 98% of West Java’s population embrace Moslem region, in fact, this religion influence their life too, whether in the way of behavior or culture. No wonder when there are found the Mosques everywhere in the cities or villages. One of the provinces that send a greatest number of collective pilgrimage to Mecca in West Java. Also customary law which prevails here is extremely influenced by Moslem religion. Moslem had already been here since 15th Century through Banten and Cirebon.

West Java is the heartland of the Sundanese culture, whose exertions reflect quite well the outward looking, light hearted nature of it’s population. Java Island possesses a lot of place of interests, from Ujung Kulon National Park of Wildlife Conservation, Mysterious Baduy Tribes, to the East of Java. Began the Kingdom of Taruma Negara in 15th Century, then successively followed by the Kingdom of Pajajaran, Banten, Cirebon, Sumedang, Kuningan, Galuh and Sunda, West Java possesses it’s own language and cultures. The West Java inherits namely Angklung, Pencak Silat, Celempung, Debus, Gamelan, Helaran, Ibing, Kacapian, Iwak, Mecakal, Ngotrek, Orkes, Pantun, Auro, Ronggeng, Sandiwara, Terbangan, Vocalia,  Wayang, Jaipongan, and Tari Topeng. Some of the have survived, and creative Sundanese people have develop them artistically into a magnificent art level side by side with modern one without loosing their originality.

West Java itself was actually called Tanah Sunda or Tanah Pasundan, while Central Java and East Java used to be called Tanah Jawa.  Lets go together to Bandung Tanah Pasundan also as Paris van Java.

West Java’s provincial capital in the Priangan highlands is Bandung a modern garden city with more than 3 million people, yet there is an air of elegance. That is lacking in most other biggest cities on Java after  the capital city of Jakarta. The city is also nicknamed “The City of Flower” a leading center of arts and higher learning situated at highlands of 2.400 feet’s from sea surface with temperature between 200 – 300 and dampness of 70%..

Bandung grew from an insignificant village into one of Java’s pretties in the 1930s and 40s due to the prosperity brought by the surrounding tea, quinine and rubber plantations. Many stately old buildings and peaceful from that era of greatness still grace the city.And others name, Tanah Pasundan or Priangan but popularly Bandung, covers the area from Bogor to Cirebon, Kuningan to the Northeastern coast, close to the border of West Java and Central Java, and Tasikmalaya to the South East. The  area is mostly mountainous and is blessed with fertile soil resulting from volcanic explosions hundred of years ago, making it very rich in minerals. Coffee and tea plantations, vegetable farms are abundant, especially in the area of Lembang. Rice fields occupy most of the area around Cianjur, Garut and Sumedang and Karawang.

High rainfall also makes this area much cooler than the rest of West Java. Some towns are surrounded by still active volcanoes. Bandung and the highlands the city are also called “Bumi Parahyangan”, meaning : “The Abode of The Gods” as in most similar topographical areas waterfalls and hot springs could be found in many places making it attract many tourists and Tour Adventurous, as a result a huge number of  resorts and retreat places sprout like soaked green beens.  

Bandung, in high valley surrounded by lush green tea plantations, the easily reached city of Bandung used also to be called the “Paris of the East or Paris Van Java” in colonial times. Today it has the world’s finest collection of art-deco architecture, and without doubt the best shopping in Indonesia, with Jeans, tee-shirts, and branded goods going for a fraction of the price.

Visit to Ciwidey Valley south of Bandung and white crater of Mountain Patuha, a sulfuric hot spring, Lake Patenggang, Tangkuban Perahu Mountain a dramatic volcano as the Sangkuriang and Dayangsumbi  legend, and few kilometers away are the invigorating hot springs of Ciater, and the golden Crater of Mount Papandayan, with it’s shocking yellow sulfur deposits. Also we could visit Gedung Sate, Bathing at Ciwalini Hot springs, Rancabali tea estate, bamboo music,

Dating back of Bandung, the famous Sundanese king was Sri Baduga Maharaja who ruled The Hindu Kingdom of Pajajaran around 15th century. His successor was defected by the Moslem army of Banten during it’s invasion in 1579. After arrival of the Dutch, things changed drastically. In 1602 Dutch traders founded the East India Company (VOC) to monopolize the spice trade. VOC was allowed to acquire Parahyangan by the current King in return for it’s favor in helping him to ascend the throne.

In 1799 VOC went bankrupt and the Dutch Government took over. The monopoly of the spice trade was expanded to the East. In 1808 the appointed Governor General, Daendels, carried out the construction of a 1,000 km road from Anyer in West Java to Panarukan at the end of East Java. This project took the lives of over 30,000 Javanese coolies in forced labor. When the French took hold of the Netherlands, the British under Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles ruled Java for a short period of time from 1811 to 1815. The man who later on founded the famous city of Singapore was also responsible for shaping Pasundan area.

In the history of Indonesia struggle for freedom, Bandung was also well known as the heroic city. One of the most well known events is “Bandung Sea of Fire”. The freedom fighters who were forced to leave Bandung, with their firm will they would not leave Bandung voluntarily as it was to the colonial Dutch and chooses to make scorched earth policy on the city. The even took place on March 23rd, 1946.

Bandung is also well known internationally because the African-Asian Conference was held here in April 18th, - 24th, 1955, opened by Soekarno, the first President of Republic of Indonesia. The conference was held in the historic building (The Freedom House) attended by 29 representatives of Africa-Asia countries. Organized by Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Birma (today Myanmar).The conference gave rise to a decision called “Dasa Sila Bandung” or Bandung Ten Principles. Finally, the Bandung ten principles have become the basic principles which give rise to Non Alignment Movement. And the countries participated are : Afghanistan, Cambodia, China Socialist Republic, Egypt, Ethiopia, Pantai Emas, Iran, Japan, Yordania, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nepal, Philippine, Arabic Saudi, Sudan, Syria, Muangthai, Turkey, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, and Yaman.

Today’s Bandung still reflects the image of it’s heyday. Though flowers could only be seen if we really make the effort to go to certain places., the structures and colonial style houses are pretty well conserved and could still be seen around Bandung. Such as Gedung Sate (Satay Building) on Jalan Diponegoro. This building is synonymous with Bandung and was used as the seat of the Dutch government during it’s occupation. It now serves as the office of the Governor of West Java. The pointed structures at the roof top resembles sate or satay, the Indonesian shish kebab.

Traditional Costumes
From once to the next era, Parahiyangan (Popular name of West Java) especially Priangan and Cirebon territory, improved their traditional fashion mode adjust to the change. The role of the government influenced this change particulary in manners.The men's (Jajaka) costume are long sleeve shirt combined with a harmony trousers and complemented Dodot cloth and Batik Dodot headdress.The formal costumes for women (Mojang Priangan) are Kebaya, soft Batik cloth, harmony shawl, and sandals Selop.

Bogor Regency
About 60 kilometers (38 miles) at the foot of the highlands south of Jakarta is the peaceful town of Bogor. From 1870 up to the outbreak of World War II and the collapse of the Netherlands colonial empire, the Bogor Palace served as the official residence of the Dutch governors general.

The Epigraph
This is the footprint of King Purnawarman of Taruma Negara Kingdom, the greatest in the world. Such is a sentence written on a stone in Pallawa letter at Ciampea, Bogor Regency. The Pallawa letter itself was originally came from South India, and it’s language was Sanskrit. This inscribed Stone was originally in the times of King Purnawarman who ruled the Taruma Negara Kingdom about the year of 450 AD. A pair of footprint decorated this stone which is said it was the footprint of King himself. For those who interested in history or archaeology it is good for not to miss this inscribed stone.

The Bogor Palace
The Bogor Palace indeed stores much history. The Bogor Palace was residence of the Dutch Governor General during the colonial period. The former building with 19th century architectural style. It’s wide yard inhabited by deer’s in tens which  are indeed breaded here. At the time of “Cold War” was in it’s peak at the beginning of six ties which can explode land caused World War III, the world war leaders. Who involved in the “War”, they once spend the night in this palace as the state’s guests of the Republic of Indonesia. This thing of can’t be separated from Indonesia’s political attitude at that time who chose “Non Block Policy”, even on the contrary, Indonesia took part actively to calm the critical situation.

Bogor’s  Botanical Gardens
Bogor is Well known Botanical Gardens is a “Museum” of thousand of Flora’s species, lies 60 km south of Jakarta established in 1817, situated just behind the 19th century presidential palace, with over 20,000 species of  plants. This is the largest collection of tropical plants in the world. And also collecting plants from the whole world. The width of the area is 111 hectares. At the beginning, the Bogor Botanical Garden was the part of the palace’s yards. J.E. Teysmann who headed this botanical garden from 1926 until 1929, he separated the botanical garden from the palace with a divider fence. Then, DR. RHCC Scheffer who replaced Teysmann, expanded this garden and equipped it with cultivation of seedlings.

The Wild Animals Safari Park
Taman Safari-The Wild Animals  Park located in hills above Cisarua Bogor, view exotic Indonesian and other imported, has an amazing variety of 40 species of wild animals from five continents about 400 animals in all roam in the park free. Driving through zoo where the animals roaming nearby our car is an exciting experiences. Just a few kilometers from Jagorawi (Jakarta-Bogor-Ciawi) tollgate we shall have been in the location of Safari Park, the only zoo in Indonesia whose animals are freely placed in natural habitat.Here we could see a flower garden where we could find bedding plant flowers from Australia, North and South America, Europe, Africa and Asia. The landscaped park also has a children’s petting zoo, regular animal shows, theme rides and swimming pools.

The Puncak Tea Plantations
The Puncak Tea Plantations located in Puncak Pass Mountain (Bogor-Cianjur). Puncak is the beautiful highlands area. The tea plantations in the mountain pass area of Puncak populer week-end escape. With fresh air and brisk walks through emerald green fields of tea shrubs. On the way to Bandung from Jakarta you will pass this area. The tortuous road with the interspersed between tea plantations at it’s left and right sides is a most impressive view. This Puncak area belong to two regions, Bogor and Cianjur regions. Puncak is best known as resort and recreation area. Spectacular scenery with views across  the valleys and lush green tea plantations, hiking, horse riding, paragliding and the cool misty weather make this a popular destination for city-dwellers who call it the “Playground of Jakarta”. We could rent sport equipments in this area, like for Hang Glider or “Gantole” sports.

The objects of interests are:
Cibodas Mountain Garden, The Archipelago Flower Park, The Lido Lake Resort, Mount Salak, Mount Halimun, Ciseeng Spa, Gudawang Cave, Sukabumi Regions, Cikaso waterfall, Salabintana, The Rafting, Perbawati Camping Ground, Warnasari Recreation Park, The Queen Harbor, Karang Hawu, Cipanas – Cisolok, Cimaja Beach, Cibareno Beach, The Invaders in Ujung Genteng, Situ Gunung, Mount Gede & Pangrango National Park, Sukaraja, Javana Spa, Bandung’s Geological Museum, Cihampelas Jean Center, Bandung’s Zoo, Bandung’s Liberty Building, Bandung’s Industrial City, Mount Tangkuban Perahu, The Legend of Tangkuban Perahu, Lembang, Maribaya, Ciater, Malela Waterfall, Saguling Dam, Cikole Camping Ground, Jayagiri Forest Cross Country, Oray Tapa Camping Ground, Kamojang’s Crater, Pengalengan, Cileunca Lake, Mount Patuha, Patenggang’s Lake, Tirta Spa Swimming Pool, Garut Regency, Sukaregang District / Leather-Craft, Cipanas – Garut, Sinduland Waterfall, Orok waterfall, Cangkuang Temple, Talaga Bodas Crater & Mount Papandayan, Santolo and Sayang Heulang Beach, Tasikmalaya Regency, The Unique Dragon Village, Mount Galunggung Tasikmalaya, Galunggung Spa, Cipatujah Beach, Pangandaran, Green Canyon Indonesia, Sumedang Regency, Cut Nyak Dhien Graveyard, The Mount Key, Cirebon Regency, Surosowan Palace & Kanoman Palace, Malam Panjang Jimat, Sunyaragi Cave, Kuningan Regency, Ciremai Mountain, Linggarjati, Sangkan Hurip, The Cave of Bunda Maria, Cipari, Seren Taun, Darma Lake, Plered, Jatiluhur Dam & Resevoir.

Hotels listed in West Java are scattered throughout the province. From four star Hotels on the southern coast at Pelabuhan Ratu to the city of Bandung also to Cirebon and cottage type Hotels in the mountain and sea resorts.

Places of interest within the city of Bandung could be reached by Plane and also by Regular City bus, as Angkutan Kota minibus or other public means of transportation like “Colt” minibuses and bemos. Buses also serve destinations out side the city. Taxis cost more, but ensure greater personal comport, cheap transportation, but usually avoiding the main arteries. It provided by becak (pedicabs), which are available in many places. Bandung is linked to Jakarta by air and railroad, and to other places in West Java by Inter-city bus and railroad services.

West Java Folksong: Sabilulungan, Colenak, etc.

For complete information you could have on the “Text Book Guiding To Indonesia” By F. I. Fatrick.
