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West Sumatera

West Sumatera’s Province
The Capital City of West Sumatera’s Province is “Padang”

The Indonesian province of West Sumatera is a land of the forest covered volcanoes and charming mountain passes, of tranquil green lakes and cool streams, rippling past black lava stone boulders.  Hamlets with quaint little mosques snuggle against the hills. Off the West Sumatera coast is a string of islands called the Mentawai Islands. The biggest of the group, Siberut, is an important nature reserve with many rare endemic species of flora and fauna. The Mentawai Islands are the home of people who have long lived in isolation and are still largely dependent on forest resources for survival.

Inhabited, by about 3,8 million people of predominantly ethnic Minangkabau, West Sumatera is also known has unique traditional architecture, which houses are usually built on poles and have saddle shaped roofs. Sometimes the houses of wealthy or important people carved and painted by floral patterns and adorned with inlays of pieces of mirror glass. West Sumatera also well known as “Ranah Minang” which means, “Land of The Minang”. The family life based on matrilineal-matriarchal system which all inheritance passes through the womenfolk. Moslem plays a dominant role in daily life and traditions, but the Minangkabau culture has a distinct character which is all it’s own.

The Minangkabau are a matriarchal, mother oriented, society. It is the women who own the family property. Children are members of the mother’s family group, and the mother’s brother takes the place of the children’s father in family affairs. This matriarchal family system is said to be the reason for the “Merantau” tradition among Minangkabau Males. Known for their wanderlust and their entrepreneur spirit, many Minangkabau males leave their families and homestead at an early age, to return only after success has been achieved.

West Sumatera’s traditional architecture is truly magnificent. Houses are usually built on poles and have saddle-shaped roofs. The entrance of the house is reached by ascending a flight of steps which is sometimes covered by a roof of it’s own. The houses of wealthy and important people often have walls that are covered with panels filed with finely carved and painted floral patterns and adorned with inlays of pieces of mirror glass.One or more granaries, often also decorated with ornate carved and brightly painted patterns, may be found in the yard. Community buildings also have a “Tabuah” pavilion housing a big drum made from a hollowed out free trunk, and a number of other pavilions for various purposes.West Sumatera is one of the only two provinces in Sumatera with a railroad (the other one is North Sumatera), but train services exist only between Padang, the provincial capital, and Payakumbuh in the north.

Visit Bukitinggi Sumatera Island has worthwhile, the sceneries of mountains, Minangkabau highland, valleys, river and villages will loosen you from our wear ness. And the Equator Monument should nonetheless, will be remarkable in our personal record. Visit the landmark of Bukittinggi Big Ben or (Jam Gadang), the museum, the unique market, the observing Sianok Kanyon / Grand Valley (Ngarai Sianok), Fort De Kock, Kota Gede is renown fine silver works and hand embroidery. Batu Batikam legendary pierced stone. Pariangan a village claimed as the first village established by Minangkabau ancestors.

Dating back
During 1514, King Alam from Pagaruyung carried out relations with Portugis in Malacca. In 1818, through delegation in Bengkulu, England was connected with Minang traditions (the Priest). In 1819, Padang in occupied the Dutch side. In 1822, Benteng Fort Van Der Capellen was built in the Sangkar Stone. In 1825, Benteng Fort De Kock was built in Bukittinggi. In 1832, Paderi was connected with the Acehinese kingdom and Batak independent. In 1837, Benteng Bonjol in destroyed the Netherlands. In 1938, Dewan that was acknowledged as "Groeps-gemeenschap" stood covered derah Keresidenan West Sumatera.

West Sumatera is composed of three regions: volcanic highlands, a long coastal plane and a series of jungle-covered islands just offshore. Much of the province is still wilderness; virgin jungle inhabited by elephants, tigers, leopards and rhinos. It is the traditional homeland, of the Minangkabau, who are known far and wide through the archipelago for their shrewd business sense, their firey-hot dishes and ancient matriarchal customs. The women own property and the men leave home to seek their fame and fortune. Traveling is considered a mark of success and West Sumaterans and their Minang or Padang restaurants are found in all major towns across the nation. The people are hospitable and eloquent, with a poetic style of speech. West Sumateran days are filled with colorful ceremonies and festivals. Legend has it the Minangkabau are descendants of the youngest son of Alexander the Great, King Maharjo Dirajo. West Sumatera's center of culture and tourism is Bukittinggi, nestled in the highlands north of the provincial capital of Padang. Surrounded by high mountains, picturesque valleys and, lakes, Bukit tinggi is considered by many tourists: to be the most hospitable city in all of Sumatera.

The Instruments
Telempong Pacik, is a musical instrument that often was gotten in the West Sumatera area, Saluang, was the musical instrument that many in could in the area of Minang Provinsi West Sumatera.

The Ethnocentricities are
Minangkabau, Guci, Jambak, Piliang, Caniago, Tanjung, Sikumbang, Koto, Pisang, Panyalai.

Traditional Costumes
Minangkabaunese (West Sumatera) have many varieties traditional costume which its using always related to special occasion.The men wear a loose shirt and a wide trouser complemented by Saluak Batimba (head cloth), Kaciak (chest cloth), and Karih (traditional knife) slipped in front of the body.The women wear traditional coostume Bundo Kanduang that contained of Tengkuluk (head cover), Baju Kurung (special dress), Kodek (a chignon), Salempang (a shawl), and jewelry.

Traditional House
The name of the West Sumatera house of the regional tradition "Gadang House". This traditional house could be known from the arts of roof that stick up above. The Gadang house had 2 3 the Padi Barn, in part "The Bayo", meaning that rice supplies for the family from the shoreline. Now "The Tanjau Laut", the specification special rice for the host.

The Folksongs Are
Ayam Den Lapeh, Bareh Solok, Dayung Palinggam, Kambanglah Bungo, Kampuang nan Jauh di Mato, Kaparak Tingga, Mak Inang, Malam Baiko, Paku Gelang.

The Traditional Dances are
Tari Piring, Tari Payung, Tari Randai, Tari Intan and other.

West Sumatera Cuisine: Rending, Gulai, Pangek, Paniaram, Lepat Ketan.

The District Identities are
Pohon Andalas / Morus Macroura (Flora), Kuau Besar / Agusianussargus (Fauna).

We could visit to Padang.  The provincial capital and air gateway of West Sumatera boasts among others, a museum called the Museum Adityawarman, with collections of artistic, cultural and historical interests. It is one of the contemporary buildings in the city that are nuilt in traditional style. Not far from the museum is the Padang Art Center. About an hour drive from the city center is Bungus Bay, which is good for boating and swimming, or just for relaxing and watching the fishing boats bring in the day’s catch.

The Mountainousare
The Sago mountain (1,597 Meters) was located in the Kotalimapluh Regency, Mount Merapi (2,891 Meters) was located in the Agam Regency, Gunung Patai Cermin (2,690 Meters) in the Pesisir Selatan Regency (the Solok Regency), the Singgalang Mountain, 2,877 Meters) was located in the Tanah Datar Regency, Gunung Talang (2,597 Meters) was located in the Solok Regency, Gunung Pasaman (2,900 Meters) was located in the Pasaman Regency.

The Riversare
Sungai Batang Anai, Sungai Antokan, Sungai Batang, Sungai Bayang, Sungai Batang Hari, Sungai Jujuhan, Sungai Kambang, Sungai Lunang, Sungai Masang, Sungai Batang Ombilin, Sungai Batang Pasaman, Sungai Rohan Kanan, Sungai Rohan Kiri, Sungai Sangir, Sungai Sihilang, Sungai Sindung, Sungai Sirantih, Sungai Tarusan.

The Promontoriesare
The Baritarikap cape, in the Mentawai Island. The Stone cape, in the South coastal Regency. The Batumandi cape, in the Regency Padang Pariaman. The cape of the Stone Month, in the Mentawai Island. The Kinapat cape, was gotten in the Mentawai Island. The Langasia cape, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Rokok cape, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Rugurut cape, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Sidapa cape, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Sigep cape, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Simasuket cape, was located in the Mentawai Island.

The Gulfs are
The Bayur gulf, was gotten in Padang Pariaman. The Bungus gulf, was gotten in Padang Pariaman. The Painan gulf, was located in the Pesisir Selatan Regency. The Pasongan gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Siberimanua gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Siberut gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Siburu gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Silogui gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Sinabai gulf, was located in [the Mentawai Island. The Simatobe gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Bubulu gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Sibadjau gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island. The Tiap gulf, was located in the Pagai Island. The Sarabua gulf, was located in the Mentawai Island.

The Flora are
The orchid, Kayu Manis, Rafflesia Arnoldi Flower, Rambutan, Manggis, Duku, Durian et cetera.

The Fauna are
Tiger, Tapir, Elephant, Siamang, Beruk, the birds kind, the Monkey, Siamang, Pig, et cetera.

The Wildlife Reserves are
Rimbopanti (the area 3.500 hectare), the Siamang population, Tapir, Tiger et cetera. Batangalupuh (the area 340 hectare), the Rafflesia Arnoldi population et cetera. The Anai valley (the area 0,20 hectare), the population of "Shrine" trees, Pinus Benjamina. The Harrau valley (the area 298 hectare). The Indrapura mountain (the area 15.530 hectare), the Flora population, Anapholis Javanica and Faunistis.

The legacy of the History
The Stone of Nisan King Adityawarman was located in Limokaum Batusangkar, the year 1356. The Adityawarman statue was found in this age by Pemeintah Dutch East Indies in Padangrocok close to the Lansek River. Some biggest statues was in the Museum of Nasional Jakarta. The Besar Pagaruyung inscription was gotten in the Gombak Hill, the year 1356 Masehi. The Adityawarman inscription from Suroaso (Batusangkar).

The Museums are
The Country museum West Sumatera "Adityawarman" in Padang. This museum collection consisted of the legacy of prehistory, Heraldic, of Numismatik, Arkeologi, Keramik China, Seni Rupa Kontemporer and the collections from the Minangkabau ethnic group and Mentawai.

Dragon Boat Race Competition

Boat race competition in Padang City has been started since the Dutch colonial government occupied Indonesia. At the time, it was called Selaju sampan (literally means paddling boat). The boats are decorated with colourful ornaments so the paddling boats in the competition will be more attractive.

Sikuai Island
Sikuai Island is a beautiful private island in West Sumatera, Indonesia. It basks in tropical weather all year long and is perfect for a peaceful getaway from the bustle of the city. Sikuai island is one of the most picturesque destinations in West Sumatera with its untouched forest leading to easily accessible white sand beaches all around the island.Sikuai has a total area of 44.4 Ha - integrated with 54 rooms, restaurant, meeting room, swimming pool, sunset plaza and jogging track surrounding the island.The Atmosphere in this island is rich with the nature of tropical rainforest and coral reefs. Relax and unwind at our white sand beach amidst the coconut trees and do not forget to catch the sunset from the Sunset Plaza viewpoint. Sikuai is where the dream truly becomes reality - you will feel like you are on your own private island.

Pandai Sikat
To increase our knowledge also, we could visit Pandai Sikat. Pandai Sikat is a little village 13 kilometers from Bukittinggi on the road to Padang, where almost every household has it own weaving loom. The “Songket” cloths made in the village are renowned far beyond the province’s borders. Pandai Sikat is also known for it’s carved wooden ornaments, utensils and furniture.

Padang Panjang
Padang Panjang, 20 kilometers southeast of  Bukittinggi. Which has a music conservatory for the study of music and dances of Minangkabau.

Lake Maninjau & Puncak Lawang
Lake Maninjau and Puncak Lawang. Lake Maninjau, 36 kilometers to the south of Bukittinggi, is a lovely, tranquil lake at the bottom of a has in formed by the ring of mountains enclosing it. From the eastern shores of the lake, a road creeps and winds along 44 hairpin turns up towards the Agam Plateau and Bukittinggi through the Puncak Lawang pass with it’s breathtaking vistas. The lakeside offers modest but pleasant accommodation as well as facilities for swimming and other water sports.

Distinctive Features
The  first  President of Indonesia, Mr. Ir. Soekarno, had ever visited Lake Maninjau,  as an  expression of his amazement, he wrote a pantun (Malayan Quatrain) sounded  “Jika makan aria pinang, makanlah dengan sirih yang  hijau, jangan datang ke  ranah Minang, jika belum mampir ke Maninjau”  which means that he suggested  everyone visiting West Sumatera must visit Lake  Maninjau because of its  wonderful scenery.  We may  compare it with other famous lakes from all over the world such as lake in  Luzern, Zurich, and Switzerland. Lake  Maninjau has shinny turquoise water  with the flapping leaves of coconut trees and hills around the lake that  make a wonderful view in Lake   Maninjau. It is  located in Tanjung Raya, in the district of Agam, West  Sumatera province, Indonesia.

There  are two alternative ways to reach the destination, from the east and from  the west. If you choose to start it from the west, it will be started from  Padang to  Lubuk Basung (the capital of Agam district) passing by Pariaman city. It  spends about a half an hour hours by land using any accessible public  transportation or chartered car that can be easily found there. It will be  started from Padang to  Bukit Tinggi continued to the destination passing by Kelok 44  for approximately three hours if we choose the alternative way from east.

Solok, 25 kilometers to the northwest of Padang on the trans Sumatera highway, lies on the crossroads between Padang-Bukittinggi and the province of South Sumatera. The town has some good samples of traditional Minangkabau architecture. Solok lies on the Trans-Sumatera Highway, 64 km from Padang and 76 km from Bukittinggi. The town has some fine examples of Minangkabau architecture with horn-shaped roofs and outer walls of wood, completely carved and painted in brilliant colors. 60 km from Solok are the Twin Lakes (Diatas Lake and Dibawah Lake), which are becoming popular as a holiday resort.

Mount Merapi
Mount Merapi or usually called  Berapi is 2891,3 meters above the sea level. As one of the most active volcanoes  in Sumatera, the Mount   Merapi has erupted for  454 times since the 18th century until present. Fifty explosions  were in huge scale; otherwise, the others were small explosions. Mount Merapi is the most frequently visited tourism destinations among the others. It has already a permanent footpath as a way to the peak of the mountain that will make the climbers easier to reach the top. The climbers will also find some blossoming edelweiss around the slap of the mountain. Mount Merapi is located nearby Bukit tinggi around the district of Agam and the district of Tanah  Datar, West Sumatera Province,   Indonesia.

Harau Valley
Along the road to Harau Valley is a lovely countryside. Steep granite walls shelter the fertile valley. A waterfall, 150 meters high falls into a basin. The Harau Valley is a nature and wildlife reserve, where tapir, siamangs, boars, wild goats and tigers still roam. The Harau Valley is 15 km from Payakumbuh.

Anai Valley
The surroundings of the Anai Valley are magnificent. The dense tropical forest all around is most impressive and is a nature reserve. Below runs the river Anai with its crystal clear water. Just on the side of the road is a 40 m high waterfall.

Batu Sangkar
An old small town, 50 km southeast of Bukit Tinggi, it is a centre of the ancient Minangkabau culture. Pagaruyung is the historical site of a Minangkabau kingdom in the 14th century. Nearby is where some archaeological vestiges, such as the Written Stone, the Stabbed Stone and some other relics can be found.

Lake Singkarak
Lake Singkarak. To visit Lake Singkarak we need 90 kilometers from Padang, or 40 kilometers from Bukittinggi. Lake Singkarak is the longest lake in West Sumatera. It is popular as holiday sport for people from the surrounding area and has an assortment of motels and restaurants as well as facilities for boating and water skiing.Another ideal place for recreation and water sport is Singkarak Lake, 36 km from Bukittinggi.

Gunung Tujuh Lake
This Gunung Tujuh Danau Gunung Tujuh lake was in the Gunung Kerinci subdistrict and could be reached by the wheel vehicle of four. The lake measuring 1.000 hectare this was located on the hill in the height 1.996 metre on the surface of sea water, and including in the Kerinci Seblat National Park region. In this lake was gotten multitudinous the flora and the fauna as well as the panorama that were very beautiful with cool and clean air. For the visitors and the researcher and/or the wanderer was available the tour hut and the area kamping measuring 2 hectare.

Ngalau Indah Caves
On the road from Bukittinggi to Payakumbuh these caves extend deep into the mountainside. The domains of thousands of bats, which we won't see but only, hear and sense as they fly close over our head. At the main entrance is a stone with an outline of an elephant visible on its face. The coolness and damp air is refreshing after the tropical heat outside. The path through these caves leads out to the top of the mountain from where it is quite panoramic. The drive up to the hillside itself is worth making because of the variety of the exquisite views along way.

Mount Kerinci
Mount Kerinci has Seblat National Park. Visit Upper and Lower Lake (Danau Diatas and Danau Dibawah), enroute we could see a lot of cinnamon plantation. Gunung Tujuh Lake located up the plateau at Kerinci Seblat National Park.

Lake Kerinci
Mount Tujug is a 10 sq km big crater lake about 50 kilometers north of Penuh River. It's on 1966 meters and it's called the highest sweet water lake in Southeastern Asia. The environment offers simple accommodations, from where people can book a day trip to the lake. Another, easy to reach lake is Kerinci Lake, surrounded by mountains, 783 meters above sea level and 42 sq km big. It's a good plan for a day trip. Both lakes and the surrounding rainforest are good places to enjoy the fauna of the park.

Talang Lake
Talang Lake tourism object that located in Lembang Jaya districts is state ± 2 Km of the twin lakes (Diatas Lake and Dibawah Lake). The Lakes that located about 1.400 m of sea level is state between the cool and fresh hills with fruits and vegetables fields. The nature lover who likes to hiking, the small lake with about 1,9 Ha width, that actually is one of the two of Mount Talang Purba crater, can reach by foot from Alahan Panjang or the twin lakes in one hour walking.

Paya Kumbus & HarauValley
Payakumbuh and Harau Valley. A small town 36 kilometers northeast of Bukittinggi, Payakumbuh is known for it’s fine basketry work. A little further up is the beautiful Harau Valley with its 100 to 150 meters tall granite walls, waterfall and pond. The valley is part of a nature and wildlife reserve inhabited by tigers, tapirs, wild boars and other wild as well as many bird species. Payakumbuh is a picturesque village and market place. Fine basketry is available here. It is 35 km from Bukittinggi and a little further up is the most dramatic view on the Harau Valley. Harau canyon, near Payakumbuh is a deep canyon with beautiful waterfall and many butterflies. Near Lake Meninjau, Batang Palapuh a sanctuary, giant rafflesia flowers are sometime found.

Pagaruyung & Batusangkar
Pagaruyung and Batusangkar. Pagaruyung, 52 kilometers southeast of Bukittinggi near the village of Batusangkar, is believed to be the old center of the ancient Hindu Pagaruyung Kingdom of Sumatera. Scattered in and around the village are a number of archaeological sites where stones are found bearing inscriptions in the old Palawa script. According to those inscriptions, Adityawarman ruled in 1347 as king of Kenaka Medinindae “Gold Island”.A great hall in Minangkabau style has been built in the village as a reminder of the area’s proud historical legacy. Nearby are the remnants of the Old Dutch fort Van der Capellen.

Pariaman. This tree-shaded village is the oldest in West Sumatera and the cradle of the Minangkabau culture and civilization. Pariaman is said to be laid out according to the original Minangkabau concept, with houses built around a mosque and a community hall with rice.

Batang Pelapuh & Rimbo Panti Reserve
Visit and Increase our knowledge in Batang Pelapuh and Rimbo Panti Reserves. Tigers, leopards, tapirs, wild boar and other wild inhabit this nature reserve on the road from Bukittinggi to Medan. There is a small crater inside the reserve, and hot water pools. Further on the road is a little monument marking the equator. On the way here from Bukittinggi and only 12 kilometers from town is the Batang Pelapuh reserve, where the world’s biggest flower, the Rafflesia  Arnoldi, measuring 1 meter across grows and blooms around the months August-December.

Rafflesia Arnoldi
Rafflesia Arnoldi is a member of the genus Rafflesia. It is noted for producing the largest individual flower on earth, and a strong odor of decaying flesh - the latter point earning it the nickname of "corpse flower". It is endemic to the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatera.Although there are some plants with larger flowering organs like the titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum) and talipot palm (Corypha umbraculifera), those are technically clusters of many flowers. Rafflesia Arnoldi (Indonesian: padma raksasa) is one of the three national flowers in Indonesia, the other two being the white jasmine and moon orchid. It was officially recognized as a national "rare flower" (Indonesian: puspa langka) in Presidential Decree No. 4 in 1993.

Mentawai Island
Mentawai. Four islands make up the Mentawai cluster of the West Sumatera coast: Siberut, Sipora, Pagai Utara and Pagai Selatan. The people of these islands still live in comparative isolation, maintaining their age-old ways. Siberut is well known for its untouched forests; a part of a nature reserve inhabited by a number of animal species not found anywhere else, among them some rare monkey species. Beautiful coral reefs are found offshore.The Mentawai from a string of islands of the West Sumatera coast. The biggest island of the group, Siberut, is an important nature reserve with many species of flora and fauna found nowhere else. The people of Mentawai have long lived in isolation, and even today maintain their own age-old customs and beliefs.

Arta and Kata Beach
Both these places are popular beach resorts for the local people. Arta beach is located about 23 km from the center of Pariaman. It is known for its beautiful pine trees along the seashore. The sandy beaches, clean water and bright sunshine are perfect for swimming and sunbathing. The pine trees can protect us from the direct sunrays. Kata beach is about 2 km south of Pariaman.

Rimba Panti Nature Reserve
Fauna and flora of the Rimba Panti Nature Reserve are protected. It is situated 103 km from Bukittinggi. Stop at Batang Palupuh, 16 km from Bukittinggi. There, in a small reserve is the Rafflesia Arnoldi, the biggest flower in existence, which blooms only once a year. Sixty km from Bukittinggi on this road is a small monument defining the equator at Bonjol village. The reserve's inhabitants include several species of monkeys, honey bears, tigers, flying squirrels, birds, butterflies, etc. A guide can be obtained from the office at the reserve. The provincial office of the Directorate of Nature Conservation (BKSAA) at Padang can give us complete information.

See the nomadic tribe of Kubu one of the indigenous people who still maintain living in the jungle and way of life in form of hunting and food gathering. In Bengkulu has Bung Karno (the firs President of Indonesia) exiled house in the past. Fort Marlborough, British Fort in Sumatera till now still protected and well kept.

The Tour Adventure Resorts are:
Air Manis Beach, Siti Nurbaya Park, Mentawai Archipelago, Lake Maninjau, Danau di Atas, Danau di Bawah, Batusangkar District, Pariangan Village, Lake Singkarak, Harau Valley, Anai Valley, Kahatulistiwa Bonjol Monument, Rimbo Panti, PLTA Batang Agam, Semen Indarung, Tambang Batubara Ombilin District, Ngarai Sianok, Jepang Cave, Karang Tirta, Puncak Lawang, Pantai Bungus, Taman Hutan Raya Bung Hatta, Minangkabau, Bukittinggi.

Accommodation. West Sumatera has several small comfortable hotels, though none of the deluxe class. Two star hotels all have air-conditioning with attached bathrooms, telephone and TV sets. In Bukittinggi air conditioning is not necessary.

The Folksongs : Kampuang Nan Jauh Dimato.

Transportation. West Sumatera’s provincial capital is accessible by air and overland from Jakarta, Medan, Palembang and Pekanbaru. Liner passenger and freight services link it with Jakarta and Sibolga. Buses of variety of types serve most of the tourist destinations inside the province Horse-Carts are still a cheap and popular means of transportation inside towns and cities.West Sumatera have the airport and we called this airport is Minangkabau Airport precisely sea front and it’s very  beautiful looked into from plane interior. From all air transport of plane in Indonesia can landing in this Minangkabau Airport.
