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Tana Toraja Sulawesi

Tana Toraja
In the Northern mountainous hinterland of South Sulawesi lies Toraja Land (Tana Toraja), known for it’s unique and animistic beliefes where the funeral ceremonies are colorfull festivals. The vasrious peoples who occupy the Sulawesi Central highlands and who belong to the Toraja are on the basis of their dialect usually divided into three main families, Sandang, Poso and Sigi Toraja.

The mountains and the rugged terrain have in the past been the effective barriers which protected the Toraja culture from disappearing. At present that unique culture is still preserved despite the pact that the land has long since shed it’s isolation. The beautifull green paddy fields and the saddle shaped “Tongkonan” Toraja houses are a contrast to the crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches of the Southern Peninsula. Toraja weaving at Pallawa, the villages of Marante and Nanggala. Good road connect the provincial capital Ujung Pandand with Rantepao, Tana Toraja’s center of Tour Adventure  328 kilometers to the north. Or To Toraja, the approximately 8 hours trip, we through Bugis village with their typical houses on stils, and a long magnificient mountain passes.

Also we could visit the hanging graves at Lemo, the royal tombs at Suaya, the traditional village at Ke’te Ke’su and the cave grave at Londa. In Deri, traditional village, we could found rock grave and baby grave in tree. Trek through some typical villages, terrace paddy fields by foot to Lempo, down to Pana village to see the ancient stone graves, trek up to Batu Tumongan about 5,5 hours walk.Visit to Panggala on foot by passing the road to Lokomata rock graves and along a foot path to Tondok Litak village, crossing coffee plantations to Panggala. To Lolai walk down through a hilly foot path and terraced paddy field about 3,5 hours. To Bira Beach about 4,5 hours trip, Tana Be’ru, well known Phinisi sailing boats are made.

Kajang an area inhabited by a tribe who dressed in black, isolated from the rest of Bugis. We could on foot visit the Konjo tribe in the isolated village of Tanatoa. To see the beautiful sunset, we visit Lake Tempe. In Mamasa, the western Toraja region we will visit the oldest village at Osango. See the old tombs and hotsprings at Buntu Kassi. To  Rante Buda, on foot to visit  the typical village at Tawalian to see the traditional houses.Tana Toraja is a tourism object which is widely known for its unique culture. This regency is located approximately 320 km north from Makassar and very famous with its wooden traditional house. That traditional house is called TONGKONAN. Its roof is made from sliced bamboo which are stacked as a roof. However, some of tongkonan now use zinc roof, so it will be more durable. Tongkonan also has strata based on the degree of its owner nobility, like gold, bronze, steel, and brass strata. Besides that, another thing that is famous from Tana Toraja is “londa”. Londa is a steep rock hill in the cemetery of Tana Toraja. Londa is about 5 km to the south from Rantepau. One of them is located in the high place on the hill with many caves where the coffins of the local people are arranged based on family line. In the other side of the hill, these coffins are opened facing the vast scene from top of the hill.
