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Mount Gede

Mount Gede & Pangrango National Park
Not far away and still higher up the mountain is the Pangrango National Park, an enchanting reserve of sub-alpine plant species. Mount Gede, 2.959 meters on sea surface, and Mount Pangrango, 3.019 meters on sea surface are the fascinating mysterious area. The strange magic power emitted strongly in this area challenges The Tour Adventurous spirit. Some one is not a mountain climber if he has not conquered this mountain vanity yet. Mount Gede and Pangrango are famous name among the nature lover circle. It is not only because of the beautiful panorama but also the sacred loneliness.

The beauty of nature is so enchanting that the nature lover stunned by. Just listen to the magma bubbles in the cauldron and the birds sing on the tree leaves. The silence of water in gripping Telaga Biru or Lake Blue and the thunder of water booming on it’s seven curugs (Waterfalls) are one nature enchantment which is amazing you all. Also look at the giant threes, stand rigidly, challenging the sky with the moss covered tree trunks.

Beside all those enchantments, there are still many interesting places in this national park area such as sulfur hot water natural pond which is very good to bathe and take a rest. A climb up to the summits of the twin volcanoes Gede and Pangrango initiates the hiker to the bewitchment of a spectacular landscape and a dazzling panorama of Java’s plains and Indian Ocean beyond. Also in Surya Kencana Open Field (Alun-alun Surya Kencana) on the foot peak is fulled with the Orchid Lands (Anggrek Tanah) and edelweiss. The mountain climbers called it as the biggest Edelweiss Garden in Indonesia. Pangrango Recreation Park;This is a part of the Selabintana complex but has it’s own facilities, including accommodation, a swimming pool, restaurant, tennis court and playground.So, when you get it ? Try now !
