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South Sulawesi

South Sulawesi Province
The Capital City of South Sulawesi Province is “Makassar

This province occupies the southern “Arm” of the Sulawesi Island. Lowlands in the middle divide the land into two mountainous parts. The southwestern end of the peninsula is mountainous, while marshes extend along almost the entire coast. The highest peak in this area is 2,871 meters tall Lompobatang.This is the homeland of the Bugis and Makasarese, both of whom have long seafaring traditions. The Bugis, plying the seas in their elegant pinisi schooners, maintain of present one of the world’s last sailing fleets. This seafaring tradition has brought the Bugis to palaces spaning almost the entire Indonesian archipelago, leaving permanent Bugis settlement in many islands.sometimes even assuming political power, as for example in Riau.

Fortifications overlooking the port of Makasar at Ujung Pandang, the provincial capital, are reminders of the time when Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and British traders vied with each other for the control of the vital trade route toward the Spice of Islands of Maluku further east.Stouch Moslems, the Bugis and Makasarese have a proud traditional of opposition. The most important kingdom in this area in the past was Gowa. Which waged a long and bitter war against Dutch intruders and whose King Hasanuddin is now regarded a National hero.

The northern part of the province is even more mountainous than the south, with a least six peaks higher than 2.500 meters and two, Handadiwata and Balease, more than 3.000 meters tall, in this magnificent wild land, isollated until quite recently becouse of it’s rugged mountain retain live in Toraja.Although many Torajas have in the past decades been converted to Moslem and Christianity, many of the old customs and traditions have survived, including the famed Toraja death feast and the unique Toraja architecture.

Rich in history and traditions and endowed with some of the most spectacular sceneries to be found anywhere South Sulawesi has in the past years developed into a major tourist destination with Makasar as it’s main gateway.South Sulawesi is an Indonesian province located in eastern part of this country. The capital of this province is Makassar which is the 4th biggest city in Indonesia. South Sulawesi has so many tourism objects, but only some of them are known worldwide. The diversity of its culture and nature is the unique attraction for your holiday. Here is the review of some tourism objects in South Sulawesi.

South Sulawesi province comprises the narrow southwestern peninsula of this orchid-shaped island, which is mainly mountainous. The seafaring Bugis dominant the southern tip, whereas the northern part of South Sulawesi is inhabited by the Torajas whose unique culture rivals that of the Balinese. Famed for their seafaring heritage and Pinisi schooners for centuries, the Bugis possess to the present day one of the last sailing fleets in the world. The Bugis vessels have sailed as far as the Australian beach, leaving behind drawings of their ships on stone with words that have been integrated into the Aboriginal language of north Australia. Situated on the crossroads of well-traveled sea-lanes, its capital and chief trading port of Ujung Pandang, till today the gateway to eastern Indonesia. Spanish and Portuguese galleons, followed by British and Dutch traders sailed these seas in search of the spice trade, escorted by their men of war to protect them against the daring raids of the Bugis and Makassar who attacked the intruders.

Ujung Pandang
Ujung Pandang is the capital of South Sulawesi, better known as Makasar in the Past. Ujung Pandang, the provincial capital and main sea and air gateway of South Sulawesi, is the modern city which grew ground the Port of Makasar. And important port of trade during the days of the Spice Trade in the 16th and 17th century. The city is now the busiest and most important sea harbor in eastern part in Indonesia.The 720 kilometers long, 100 to 400 kilometers wide and except in the southern end, more than 2,000 meters deep Strait of Makasar marks the eastern border of the vast Submarine plateau on which Java, Sumatera and Kalimantan are located and which is connected to the Southeast Asian Mainland.

The Benteng Ujung Pandang, the best preserved historical fort inside the city, is now museum with exhibits of cultural and historic value, including ceramics, old coins, manuscripts and also ethnic costumes and ornaments. Located in the city facing the strait of Makasar, the original fort was built in 1545 by Sultan Tuni Palangga of Gowa to become one of 11 fortresses protecting the kingdom of which Makasar was it’s main port.When Gowa capitulated to the Dutch commander Admiral Speelman rebuilt the Fort Rotterdam. The old fort is now also an art center with an open stage in the center for music and dance performances and classes conducted by the Conservatory of Music and Dance.

Another place of historical interest is the grave of Pangeran Diponegoro (Prince Diponegoro), a prince from the Yogyakarta Sultanate who led a five year guerrilla war against the Dutch from 1825-1830. Named a national hero after Indonesia won it’s independence on August 17, 1945. Prince Diponegoro was after his treasures capture in 1830 banished, first to Manado, then to Makasar, where hi died in 1855.Another historical relic is the graveyard of the kings of Tallo, inside the remnants and old fortificaltion inside the city. The pyramic shapped structure covers 78 graves.

Another place worth visiting, and of a much more joyful nature, is the Bundt Private Museum of Shells and orchid garden. An arvid collector, Mr. Bundt has the most notable collections of sea shells and corals in Indonesia. The garden of the Bundt home on Jalan Mochtar Lutfi is filled with rare Indonesian orchids and hybrids. A Dutch man by birth, Mr. Bundt is listed in Sander’s List inn London as an expert in orchid cultivation.Ujung Pandang a huge city with a population of more than one and a half million people, Makassar (Ujung Pandang) has long been Sulawesi's most important city, as well as being a heavily used gateway into the eastern Indonesia region. Makassar's attractions are in good supply and include Fort Rotterdam and its Museum Negeri La Galigo, and Old Gowa. Many ruins from the former kingdom of Gowa remain on the outskirts of Makassar, such as the Benteng Sugguminasa fortress, the Makam Sultan Hasanuddin memorial, and the Pelantikan Stone, where the kings of Gowa were once crowned.

Traditional Costumes

Traditional costume from Makassar such as Jas Tutu (coat), and Baju Bodo (long shirt) commonly was used in the certain ceremony.Baju Labbu (women shirt) were complemented with Saloko (crown), Pinang Goyang (hair bun), earrings, and necklaces.

For a men usually be completedwith Sigarak (head tie), Keris (traditional knife), bracelets, and necklaces.

The objects interests are:

Fort Rotterdam, Museum Negeri La Galigo, Museum Balla Lompoa (Beteng Sungguminasa), Museum Lapawawoi, Museum Batara Guru, Museum Negeri Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, Museum Negeri Propinsi Sulawesi Utara, Kienteng Ban Hian Kong, Losari Beach Makassar, Gunung Lokon Volcano, Bantimurung National Park, Benteng Otanaha, Gunung Colo Volcano, Gunung Klabat Volcano, Gunung Sesean, Monument of Mandala (Monumen Mandala), Sungguminasa, Sultan Hasanuddin’s Tomb, Malino, Samolona Island, Enrekang, The Toraja Land / Tana Toraja, Rantepao, Palawa, Somba, Opu Fortress, Tanjung Bira, Bulukumba, Pantai Bira, Watampone, Goa Mampu, Bantimurung, Soppeng, Leang Leang, Pare Pare, Pulau Samalona, Samalona, Kondingareng Keke, Barranglompo, Pulau Kayangan, Pulau Selayar, Sengkang, Taka Bone Rate.

Daily flights link Ujung Pandang with Jakarta, Surabaya and Denpasar. The port of Makasar is served by regular liner services to and from Surabaya, Jakarta, Ambon, Balikpapan and Manado. Buses, minbus and pedicabs serve the city’s public transportation needs. With intercity buses providing the link with destinations in the hinterland.

Hotels in Sout Sulawesi are improving and new properties are being built for the businese travellers. The four star hotels located on the sea front. The hotels are have air conditioned rooms with attached bathrooms, TV sets, telephones and restaurants. In Toraja, hotels are in cottage sstyle with attached bathrooms. No air conditioning is needed. Most have food and beverage facilities. In Ujung Pandang, one star hotels are partly air conditioned and have their own restaurants and rooms have attached bathrooms.

For complete information you could have on the “Text Book Guiding To Indonesia” By F. I. Fatrick. 

