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East Papua

East Papua / Irian Jaya
The Capital City of East Papua Province is “Jayapura

Jayapura, founded on 7 March 1910 as Hollandia, had developed into a city with modern civil, educational, and medical services in 1962. Since Indonesian administration services have been replaced by Indonesian equivalents such as TNI (the army) replacing into Papua Battalion. The name of the city has been changed to Kotabaru, then to Sukarnopura and finally to its current official name. Among ethnic Papuans, it is also known as Port Numbai, the former name before the arrival of immigrants.Jayapura is the largest city, boasting a small but active tourism industry; it is built on a slope overlooking the bay. Cenderawasih University (UNCEN) campus stays at Abepura that is the houses of University Museum. Both Tanjung Ria beach, near the market at Hamadi (site of the 22 April 1944 Allied invasion during World War II) and the site of General Doughlas MacArthur's World War II headquarters at Mount Ifar have monuments commemorating the events.

The capital and the biggest city of this eastern most Indonesian province. It is a neat and pleasant city, built on the slope of a hill overlooking the bay. General Douglas Mac Arthur’s World War II headquarters still stands here, as well as some Japanese and Indonesian once. The Museum Jayapura is located inside the Cendrawasih University.Tanjung Ria Beach, known as base G by the Allies during World War II, is a popular holiday resort with facilities for water sports. From skyline, in the hills behind the city, one gets a beautiful view of Jayapura. The short trip for Jayapura, pleasant as it is, offers but a little foretaste of the province’s magnificient scenery. Jotefa and Humboldt bays and also the Lake Sentani Area.

Wide Area; The wide area of Papua is 420,000 sq km/162,000 sq mi.

Traditional Costumes

Papua have very specific costume and make-up rather different among others. Asmat men put on head cover namely Kasuomer made of plaited leaves and roots with accessories feather of Cendrawasih or Kasuari bird.They using a necklace made of seeds, teeth, animal's bone, or shells.The women put similiar necklaces, and head accessories.The accessories to be used containing symbolic meanings as an user identity.Traditional costume of Papua experience an advance without leaving its specific character.



Papua population based on 2000 est. is 2,220,900. It has some 240 different tribal peoples, each with its own language and culture. Indigenous Papuans in West Papua and Papua New Guinea speak some 15% of the world's known languages. West Papua together with the rest of the island of New Guinea, are the lungs of the Asia-Pacific, containing the last great surviving virgin rainforest after the Amazon.



The population of Papua province and the neighboring West Irian Jaya, both of which are still under a united administration, totaled 2,646,489 in 2005. Since the early 1990s, Papua has had the highest population growth rate of all Indonesian provinces at over 3% annually. This is partly a result of high birth rates, but also from immigration from other regions in Indonesia.According to the 2000 census, 78% of the Papuan population identified themselves as Christian with 54% being Protestant and 24% being Catholic. 21% of the population was Muslim and less than 1% were Buddhist or Hindu. There is also substantial practice of animism by Papuans, which is not recorded by the Indonesian government in line with the policy of Pancasila.



A vital tropical rainforest with the tallest tropical trees and vast biodiversity, Papua's known forest fauna includes marsupials (including possums, wallabies, tree-kangaroos, cuscuses), other mammals (including the endangered Long-beaked Echidna), many bird species (including birds of paradise, cassowaries, parrots, cockatoos), the world's longest lizards (Papua monitor) and the world's largest butterflies. The island has an estimated 16,000 species of plant, 124 genera of which are endemic.The extensive waterways and wetlands of Papua are also home to salt and freshwater crocodile, tree monitor, flying foxes, osprey, bats and other animals; while the equatorial glacier fields remain largely unexplored.

In February 2006, a team of scientists exploring the Foja Mountains, Sarmi, discovered numerous new species of birds, butterflies, amphibians, and plants, including a species of rhododendron, which may have the largest bloom of the genus. Ecological threats include logging-induced deforestation, forest conversion for plantation agriculture (especially oil palm), small holder agricultural conversion, the introduction and potential spread of non-native alien species such as the Crab-eating Macaque, which preys on and competes with indigenous species, the illegal species trade, and water pollution from oil and mining operations.



Indonesia structures regions contains of regencies and sub districts within those. Though names and areas of control of these regional structures can vary over time in accord with changing political and other requirements, in 2005 Papua province consisted of 19 regencies. The regencies are: Timika, Yapen - Waropen, Biak - Numfor, Nabire, Puncak Jaya, Paniai, Jayawijaya, Merauke, Sarmi, Keerom, Waropen, Tolikara, Yahukimo, Bintang Mountain, Boven Digoel, Mappi, Asmat, Supiori, and Jayapura. In addition to these, Jayapura city also has the status of regency.



Papua province has governed by a directly elected governor (currently Barnabas Suebu) and a regional legislature, DPRP (Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Papua). A unique government organization that only exists in Papua is the MRP (Majelis Rakyat Papua / Papuan People's Council) that was formed by the Indonesian Government in 2005 as a coalition of Papuan tribal chiefs, tasked with arbitration and speaking on behalf of Papuan tribal customs.

Knicknack from Yenbuba
Many divers said that the best souvenir ever is the stories of your experiences that you will take home to tell. But to keep your friends or family consoled, try to bring these items: Asmat sculptures, Traditional cloths, Hat, Necklaces, Noken (Traditional bag), Bracelet, Traditional music instruments, Suling (traditional flute), Tambur (traditional drum). These you can find also in gift shops in many cities in Papua. This will save you the hassle of bringing too many things from Raja Ampat.

Discover Paradise

Diving Paradise, As the richest area, Raja Ampat’s total number of confirmed corals to 537 species and 699 mollusks species. Some area boast enormous schools of fish and regular sighting of sharks, such as wobbegongs. In Mansuar, it’s highly likely you’ll encounter large groups of manta rays and turtles. From the boats and often close to shore, you may get the chance to done your snorkeling gear for some unforgettable interaction with resident pods of dolphins or even some passing whales. Weather. The temperature is generally hot. Light rains fall 189-399 mm per month between 22-29 days, which occurs a lot during the months of Januari to June whereas the dry season in between July to October.


Flora & Fauna

There are numerous types of flora in this tropical area with its mystical tropical rain forest. The forest also has a variety trees and other commercials important species plus the lush vegetation of mangrove swamps. People grant their life by taking sago from the sago palm forest.

The fauna is almost similar to Australian fauna such as the group of fowl like pigeon, cockatoo, nuri (a kind of parrot) and the reptile group such : crocodile, snake, turtle and monitor lizard.

Raja Ampat is all about diversity. It is not only diversity of species, but also of dive spots. There are some areas where soft corals and sea fans direct which can find in Yenbuba and its nearest islands, others with amazing  hard corals, black sand, and white sand. Then there are fish, lots of them, in more figures and sizes than anywhere as well in the world. 

The Island provides you in full comfort and distinct resort class although the site is in the most remote resort area. The villas and bungalows were built in a large space, tastefully decorated with the hospitality you would expect in the fine resort like Wakatobi Dive Resort, a Swissfounded that has an international standard with some facilities in Tomia Island. The Architecture is built in consideration with the preservation of the traditional building style, respect to the ecotourism principles with the main building and bungalows crafted by local artisans and all using manual tools. Apart of their land based resort, the world renowned Pelagian Yacht now operates and takes the visitors in a local luxurious transportation.

This Pelagian Yacht is fully integrated into Wakatobi’s award winning marine conservation and community development program. It has an exclusive access to the diving sites within the extended Wakatobi region. Let’s try a trip to Wakatobi in a liveaboard adventure on the Pelagian at the same holiday! Hoga Island with its white sandy beach and beautiful panorama offers you a place that can accommodate up to hundreds guests. There is also a moderate home stay for you to spend the time at Wanci in WangiWangi Island, the capital city of the regency that keeps put in order providing all the facilities to the visitors needs. There is no denying that Wakatobi is an excellent tourism destination with no less than 750 coral reef species from a total of 850 species in the world, comparing with the Caribbean owes only 50 species and other 300 species in the Red Sea.

The Indonesian climate of Papua is quite tropical in character, with high temperatures, plenty of strong sunshine and periods of heavy rain and wet weather. Throughout the year, the temperatures of Papua rarely move far from 29°C / 84°F or 30°C / 86°F.Generally speaking, the climate of Papua is at its most pleasant and favourable between April and September, which is often described as the 'dry season'. However, if you are planning a holiday during the dry season, it may well still rain at times, and it can in fact rain at anytime in Indonesia, anywhere. Kota Biak, on the island of Pulau Biak, is an especially damp part of the region. Papua Weather and Climate: Seasonal Variations / When to Go - Papua, Indonesia, ID. The north and south coastlines of quite different and feature their very own climate zones. In northern Papua, the weather can be quite windy and rainy between the months of November and March, while on the southerly shore, it can be a little wet between April and October, even though this is actually considered to be the dry season in the south-easterly regency of Merauke.

The objects of interest are:
Wakatobi Diving Paradise, Dive Spots, Biak, Biak Numfor, The Mumi, Bird Watching, Kasuarina Cave, Besi Island, Untouched Balliem Valley, The Lani, The Yali, Lorentz National Park, Sentani Lake, The Skyline Hills, Japanese Cave, Parai Blue River, Wasur National Park, Lampu Satu Beach, Merauke.

For complete information you could have on the “Text Book Guiding To Indonesia” By F. I. Fatrick.
